Home Health Providers Optometry Amanda Lallensack

Education & Licenses
- Doctor of Optometry, Midwestern University, 2020
- Bachelor of Science, UW La Crosse, 2016
- Licensed as Optometrist in Wisconsin
Professional & Personal Background
Dr. Lallensack has been with the Health & Wellness Center Optical Dept. since September of 2021. Prior to starting at the HWC, Dr. Lallensack completed a residency at Albuquerque Indian Health Center to specialize in ocular disease and primary care optometry. This gave her the opportunity to study systemic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension and how they can affect the eyes. With her combined education and experience, Dr. Lallensack states she has “a solid background in glaucoma and eye conditions resulting from diabetes and autoimmune disorders.”
Dr. Lallensack grew up in southern Wisconsin, but spent many weekends in Lakewood at her grandparents’ cabin picking blackberries and playing in the woods. Although she spent five years in the Southwest, her goal was always to return home. She now enjoys spending time with her husband, two cats, and extended family. She also enjoys reading, board games, baking, and hiking.